Monday, June 27, 2011

Marshall Online #10

Marshall Online #10: 
Photos Tell The Story of You

     Every so often I run across a profile that I really think does a good job at presenting himself, and showing his personality. When you select your photos you should consult my guidelines for doing this. In general, the pictures should tell the story of you. In this example from a man I chat with from time to time, you’ll see the a good example of telling the story of you.
     We are going to call this guy Joe.
     Joe has recently updated his pictures on Bear411. Bear411 requires that all profiles have a face picture as the main picture. Joe has done this, and used a clear nice photo of him.
     The other seven pictures do more.

Picture #1 
     He’s imposed the words: As this is a bear site, here is the body hair pic to earn street cred. Whatever site you are on, know what it is about. Bears love hair and bellys. If you have one or both, show them! If you are on a site for leather, wear leather.  

Pictures #2
     The artsy pic for intrigue, he calls it.  Clearly he’s showing us that his got some smarts. He’s looked at the profiles and he’s seen what others have done, and is making fun of them while doing the same thing. He’s understood what people are doing on their profiles and does it with a great humor. If you can do something similar do it. Always try to show your smarts and humor. 

                                      Picture #3
    Picture showing my fun personality. Its outdoors, it’s with others, he’s having fun—and we can see it. Nothing says datable than someone who has fun, and has fun with others. This is really important: get photos of you in fun situations, and with others. Do not be an isolated with your web cam taking photos of you not smiling. Be fun!

Picture #4
    I might be outdoorsy.  Ok I see this on bear411 all the time, and I see it on adam4adam, and I bet you will see it on Recon—“I’m down to earth, I love the outdoors.” It’s become cliché to use these phrases. The only worse phrase is “love walks on the beach.” But Joe does something outdoorsy, something to show it. Can you do that? Do you go hiking? Get a photo. Do you play softball. Get a photo. Show us that you don’t repeat what other profiles state, show us you are outdoorsy.

Picture #5
    Something different. I just laugh. So many profiles have a picture of their city, or their house. Here Joe, does it but makes us laugh. Again, showing us he has a sense of humor.
Picture #6

     Hairy pictures. It’s for a bear site, and he points out how hairy he is. But this time he mentions sexual availability. This kind of a turn on, that’s a flirt.  It says dateable. I want to date a guy who flirts, and who is physically there. He’s showing us he is.  It’s not porn. It’s tasteful and fun.

Picture #7
     Finally, the last picture. The penis shot. What a fun way to show your penis. It’s great fun. It’s flirty, and it isn’t porn.
     Joe has done a great job with is photos. He is flirty, fun, funny. He really shows his intelligence with his captions that say: this is all a game, and I’m going to play along. See if you can work on the same thing on your profiles.


  1. One can be witty, but u need to show them what they want to see! Show some skin ppl! :)

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