Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marshall Online #4 Profile pics one particular part of his body

Collage O' Wang

            Have you experienced this: You see a profile of a man you think you might like, the main picture is ok but you need to see some more to see what he looks like better.  You open up his profile and find seven other pictures. All of them portraits of his penis.  Photos from above, below, flaccid, erect, extended out from him, lying on his belly.  He’s profile should be called “Collage O’ Wang.”
You’ve been online checking out the guys and noticed this strange collage of penis portraits.  Even if you want to turn away; you may find yourself feeling a slight arousal and so you look. It’s lightweight porn. We are men and we look.   And the Collage O’ Wang is so mesmerizing.  But I’m left unsettled, unsatisfied.  I’m left feeling dirty.
I don’t really understand this way of presenting yourself. Why does a guy reduce himself to his penis?  Do lesbians have a similar way to present themselves?
I take a step back, I begin to wonder what it means.
            Every web site is different. Many allow sexual pictures to be posted, and many men take advantage of this.  The web site I’m most familiar with is Bear411.  Bear411 requires that your main picture shows your face.  And that will be the one photo of the man’s face I’ll see.  The rest will be Penis Portraits.  I think on other sites if no face picture is required I’ll run into only penis portraits.
            Everyone is online for different reasons but there are about three reasons why: friendships (pen pal relationships and in person), dating, and sex.
            If this guy is interested in anything outside of sex, then he needs to replace most or all of his penis portraits.  
            Regardless of my initial arousal, I find these profiles to be creepy.  It’s exhibitionism; and we are tossed into the role of voyeur.  It is just a bit pervy.   
Why do men do this?
Clearly he wants to show the goods.  I’d believe that could be the case if all the guys were hot, and I mean smoking hot with a great body, and great member. But all too often that isn’t the case, its just guys.  Just a normal or morbidly obese men.  (I realize that someone being smoking hot is up to the voyeur in this case).  But I don’t get the feeling like these guys think they are so hot that they are showing off.
Maybe he thinks this is what he is supposed to do. He is putting out there what he thinks he needs to do to get dates. If a date is what he wants. Well whatever he wants, he thinks this is what he should be doing.   He could be just a little confused about this, or even mislead.  When I first joined the online craze, I took some nudes and considered posting them. Why? On the advice of a friend of mine. He felt it was a good idea.  I was never comfortable with the idea so I never posted. But when you are new to the internet, it is so foreign to us, that many might be taking bad advice.  If this is the case, I think you’ll see more pictures of him and not the abundance of the Penis Portrait.
I wish my first response would be a sarcastic “oh wow how provocative.” But it isn’t, that’s my second or third response.  But if he thinks he’s being provocative, he needs to surf the web some more and see how he is like so many others. Again, if he is going for provocative, you’ll be able to tell by his other photos, and what he is stating in his profile.  His profile is the key to figuring out if he is creating a provocative persona or not.  But honestly, I don’t think any of these guys are going for provocative.
            I think this is a sexual masquerade. I’m sexually free, I’m a stud—look at me!  But to me, he looks like a mannequin.   Like a cold statue laying in a storage room.   But I think these guys want us to believe they are sexual broncos. 
            He’s clearly not creative.  He’s just took a web cam and focused it on his wang and took a picture.  Then did it from a different angle.  These pictures are not even porn B rated porn. At least with porn you have to set up the shoot, you have to do some acting. But when it is just a penis portrait there is nothing creative or even thought out about it.  I am a firm believer that creativity is needed to function well in a sexual environment.  The German’s say “Dumb Fcks Best.”  The Germans say a lot of things about sex: you’ll learn not to listen.  A guy doesn’t need creativity in the sense that he is a writer, or he is an artist. But in the sexual mêlée he needs some creative thinking; he needs to figure out how to make things work, how to move, how to listen etc.  If he had any sexual creativity then we’d have different pictures.
            I’ve discussed this before, but as a reminder: your pictures should tell a story about you.  In this case, the story is his penis.  And only his penis.  This is a guy that is Self-cock-centric.  He is interested in his wang and only his wang.
If you go out with him, it will be a sex date. Don’t expect him to do anything but sex. And the sex will be totally one sided. You will not be kissed, you will not receive any reciprocation of any kind.  What you can expect is that he will lay on his back and do very little outside of looking down at his wang and what you are doing to it. Why? Cause he is self-cock-centric.  Do not expect any kind of sounds to let you know he is enjoying it or not, that he will keep to himself, like he has kept the rest of his life to himself. 
This is a guy that isn’t good at expressing himself.
            He’s interest in sex is as focused as his camera. This means: he wants one thing. One thing and one thing only.  There is something that he likes and that’s all he really likes.  It could be anal sex; it could be masturbation while he rubs your belly; it could be anything. There is no rule, but since he can’t express himself well, you’ll have to figure it out by trail and error.   If you are lucky, he’ll eventually get upset that you are not getting it right, and he’ll say: “I just like to _______.”  But he won’t say this rudely, or mean; he’ll say it kind of sad and pouty.  Cause, see, you were supposed to know that.
            If you are looking for a romance, I think this is a guy you’ll want to pass by.  But if you are looking for someone who is separated from the sexual experience, this could be your man.  If you want a guy who lays back and lets you do whatever you want to him as long as he doesn’t have to move too much, then this could be your guy. If you are into servicing someone, this could be your guy.  This could be the guy for you if you want to get used in a non-S&M scene.
But again the sex is going to be reduced to his penis and his penis only.  If he is going to reduce himself to his penis, he’s going to reduce you to his penis, and the sexual experience to his penis.  You are not there except for what you can do for his penis.
While I think there are possibilities that men are just misguided and think they have to have these penis portraits, I think that these men with an abundance of penis portraits are doing it because they are self-cock-centric.  They want sex and they want it focused on that part of their body.  I don’t suggest going for this guy for romance or dating, or even conversation. He is focused on sex.  He could be fun if you are interested in the same thing he is.  But otherwise he may frustrate you.

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